Addiction Policy Forum launches new resource for adolescents in partnership with the DEA Educational Foundation.
Addiction Policy Forum is excited to launch Protect Your Brain, an education and awareness campaign featuring videos that teach teens how to protect themselves from substance use disorder.
Narrated by a high school student, with input from a focus group of teenagers and educators, the campaign reinforces the importance of “protecting your brain” and presents key strategies for adolescents, such as delaying first use, finding positive coping skills and taking extra precaution if substance use runs in your family.
Over 20 million Americans suffer from substance use disorders and 90% of Americans with a substance use disorder began using substances before the age of 18. Addiction is a disease that, for the vast majority of patients, begins in childhood. This is why it’s critical to remind them early, and often, that they can prevent addiction.
Adults play a critical role in adolescents’ decisions about substance use. This video series provides accessible guidance about preventing substance use disorders that can be shared by teachers, youth group leaders, coaches, and anyone who works directly with teens and adolescents.
During the ages of 10-19, the brain is changing rapidly. Because of this, it’s extremely important to protect your brain. In this video, we share four strategies teens can use to protect their brains and stay safe from substance use disorders.
We often hear that addiction can run in families, and it has been shown that genetics account for 50% of a person’s likelihood of developing an addiction. However, the risk is also influenced by individual choices. Information is power. In this video, adolescents learn how to mind their genes to avoid developing an addiction.
Research shows that 90% of people with a substance use disorder began using drugs and alcohol before the age of 18. In this video, teens will learn the importance of protecting their brain from substance use disorders by delaying the age of first use.
APF is excited to offer a co-branded version of the Protect Your Brain campaign. Click here to purchase yours today!
Questions? Contact info@addictionpolicy.org