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Opportunity to Participate in Recovery Management Checkups Implementation Study

Chestnut Health Systems is actively seeking primary care providers interested in implementing Recovery Management Checkups (RMC), a proactive, ongoing approach designed to improve long-term outcomes for patients with substance use disorders (SUDs). Participating sites will receive training and technical assistance to implement RMCs and will play a vital role in building on the existing evidence of the effectiveness of the intervention.

RMC is a structured intervention designed to improve SUD treatment engagement, retention, and long-term outcomes. The model utilizes continuous monitoring and early intervention to prevent relapse through regular checkups to help detect relapse early, ensure timely intervention to support sustained recovery, and improve long-term outcomes.

Developed by Chestnut Health Systems, RMC has been validated through numerous studies, showing that participants have higher treatment linkage and retention rates and lower substance use compared to those not receiving RMC. Long-term studies further demonstrate its effectiveness, while recent research indicates that RMC in primary care settings is more effective in facilitating linkage to care and reducing substance use compared to screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT).

Primary care settings, especially Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), are uniquely positioned to implement and test the effectiveness of RMCs due to their comprehensive, community-based approach to care. This opportunity aims to build on the existing evidence of the feasibility and effectiveness of implementing RMC in primary care settings.

For more information about RMC and this opportunity, please contact Dr. Dennis Watson at

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