JCOIN Spotlight: New York State Psychiatric Institute/Columbia University Clinical Research Center
The JCOIN New York State Psychiatric Institute/Columbia University Clinical Research Center (Columbia Hub) has focused equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) efforts by creating and sharing data that highlights racial/ethnic disparities in Opioid Intervention Court (OIC) enrollment. The Columbia Hub has developed a step wise process to present this information to OICs and offer potential points of intervention. This has been a gradual process in which data tables are included in data reports that are sent to the OIC judge and court coordinator. Currently, NYSPI is preparing data reports for eight OICs in New York State, in which data is presented, highlighting disparities at stakeholder meetings for each OIC. The aim here is to present the data in a non-judgmental way. For the next step, inequity tables will be presented at stakeholder meetings for each OIC with the intention of having pointed discussions with the OIC judge, court coordinator and larger stakeholder group on what they should do about disparities in enrollment. The aim for the next iteration of this work is to discuss potential direct interventions with the judge, court coordinator, and stakeholders.