Naloxone Facts is an awareness campaign to help explain overdose reversal and how naloxone saves lives.
About Naloxone
Naloxone is a medication that can reverse opioid overdoses. It comes in three FDA-approved forms: Narcan® nasal spray, Evzio® auto-injector, and injectable naloxone. Naloxone works by binding to the same brain receptors that opioids do and pushing out the opioids that are causing the overdose. Naloxone only reverses opioid overdoses, but is so safe that even if you’re not sure whether the medical emergency was caused by opioids, some other drug, or another medical condition, administering naloxone will not cause harm. When someone has taken powerful synthetic opioids like fentanyl, sometimes multiple doses of naloxone are needed to reverse the overdose. Many states have a standing order prescription for naloxone, which allows laypeople to obtain naloxone from the pharmacy without having their own prescription for the medication. To find naloxone near you, call 1-833-301-HELP (4357)
In 2018, 67,367 people died of drug overdoses in America. What the data does not convey is the human toll of this epidemic: we are losing over 185 lives a day, our children, parents, friends and neighbors.
Naloxone Toolkit

Overdose Reversal Toolkit
Naloxone Facts
Addiction Policy Forum - 01:52
Naloxone is now available in many places without a prescription. Naloxone is a temporary antidote for overdoses from opioid drugs
Here are 5 things everyone should know about Naloxone.
Learn more about overdose awareness: https://www.addictionpolicy.org/overdose-awareness
Naloxone Administration
Addiction Policy Forum - 01:54
Naloxone is now available in most places without a prescription. Naloxone is a temporary antidote for opioid drugs which include but are not limited to heroin, fetanyl, morphine, codeine, oxycodone, hydromorphone.
Learn more about overdose awareness: https://www.addictionpolicy.org/overdose-awareness
After an Overdose
Addiction Policy Forum - 02:26
When someone has been revived with an opioid overdose reversal medicine they come out of it very scared, angry and confused.
Here are some ways to help patients after an overdose.
Learn more in the Overdose Awareness toolkit: https://www.addictionpolicy.org/overdose-awareness
Maryland Overdose Response Program
Addiction Policy Forum - 01:27
Maryland Overdose Response Program was authorized for development in 2013 b the Maryland State Legislature to address rising drug overdose deaths throughout the state.
Find other innovative solutions here: https://www.addictionpolicy.org/innovation-now